Ling Hao

Ling Hao
Research Faculty
Bioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Neurodegenerative Diseases
Quantitative analysis of biomolecules offers a wealth of clues to understand cell biology and disease mechanisms. Mass spectrometry (MS) has become a central technology to study biomolecules such as proteins, peptides, lipids, and metabolites. Our research focuses on developing novel and improved bioanalytical methods using LC-MS platforms and applying the combination of analytical chemistry, bioinformatics, and cell biology approaches to study human diseases. Specifically, 1) we develop novel proteomics and metabolomics strategies in complex biological samples; 2) we implement multidisciplinary approaches in the human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neurons, mouse models, and clinical human subjects to study the molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases.
CHEM 4122: Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 6222: Biomedical Mass Spectrometry
CHEM 6284: Environmental Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 2123W Introductory Quantitative Analysis Laboratory
Research Courses: 8998, 6395, 4195
- Li, H., Frankenfield, A.M., Houston, R., Sekine, S., and Hao, L., “Thiol-Cleavable Biotin for Chemical and Enzymatic Biotinylation and Its Application to Mitochondrial TurboID Proteomics”. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2021. (Invited for Emerging Investigators Focus Issue)
- Li, H., Uittenbogaard, M., Hao, L., and Chiaramello, A., “Clinical Insights into Mitochondrial Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders: Their Biosignatures from Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics”. Metabolites, 11 (4), 2021.
- Frankenfield, A.M., Fernandopulle, M.S., Hasan, S., Ward, M.E. and Hao, L., “Development and Comparative Evaluation of Endolysosomal Proximity Labeling-based Proteomic Methods in Human iPSC-derived Neurons”. Analytical Chemistry, 92 (23), 2020.
- Liao, Y.C., Fernandopulle, M.S., Wang, G., Choi, H., Hao, L., Drerup, C.M., Patel, R., Qamar, S., Nixon-Abell, J., et al. Pasolli, A., Forrest, L., George-Hyslop, P., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Ward, M., “RNA granules hitchhike on lysosomes for long-distance transport, using annexin A11 as a molecular tether.” Cell, 179(1), 2019.
- Hao, L., Zhu, Y., Wei, P., Johnson, J., Buchberger, A., Frost, D., Kao, W.J. and Li, L., “Metandem: An online software tool for mass spectrometry-based isobaric labeling metabolomics”. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1088, 2019.
- Sliter, D.A., Martinez, J., Hao, L., Chen, X., Sun, N., Fischer, T.D., Burman, J.L., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Narendra, D.P. and Cai, H., Borsche, M., Klein, C., Youle., R.,”Parkin and PINK1 mitigate STING-induced inflammation”. Nature, 561(7722), 2018.
- Hao, L., Wang, J., Page, D., Asthana, S., Zetterberg, H., Carlsson, C., … & Li, L. “Comparative Evaluation of MS-based Metabolomics Software and Its Application to Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease”. Scientific Reports, 8, 2018.
- Hao, L., Johnson, J., Lietz, C.B., Buchberger, A., Frost, D., Kao, W.J. and Li, L., “Mass defect-based N, N-dimethyl leucine labels for quantitative proteomics and amine metabolomics of pancreatic cancer cells”. Analytical Chemistry, 89(2), 2017. (Cover article)
- Lu, J., Zhong, X., Liu, H., Hao, L., Huang, C.T., Sherafat, M.A., Jones, J., Ayala, M., Li, L. and Zhang, S.C., “Generation of serotonin neurons from human pluripotent stem cells.” Nature Biotechnology, 34(1), p.89. 2016.
Postdoc, National Institutes of Health, 2019
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017
BS, China Agricultural University, 2012 Tsinghua University, 2011-2012
- Watch the interview where Dr. Hao discusses, "Can Chemistry Impact Brain Disease?"
- Dr. Ling Hao is the recipient of the 2024 Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) Faculty Award, OVPR Early Career Award. The GW University and the OVPR are committed to encouraging and supporting excellence in research and scholarship and recognizing those who have accomplished it.
- Dr. Hao receives the prestigious Cottrell Scholar award. "The future of science depends on innovation, diversity, and commitment to student success. These new awardees have been selected as much for their research and teaching excellence as for their potential to become change-makers at their institutions, in science, and society at large.' said RCSA President & CEO Daniel Linzer. The Cottrell Scholars are chosen through a rigorous peer-review process. The prestigious Cottrell Scholar Award will support both research and teaching efforts on capturing molecular communications using mass spectrometry and enhance science communications in chemistry education, 2023.
- Dr. Hao receives the NSF Career Award that will support the Hao Lab research on developing mass spectrometry methods to characterize mitochondrial dynamics in human stem cell-derived neurons, 2023. 2023.
- Dr. Hao receives the 2022 Human Proteome Organization Rising Star Award.
- Can Chemistry Impact Brain Disease? Tune into this discussion with Dr. Hao.