Chemistry is a powerful springboard that can launch students into rich and rewarding careers in pharmacology, material science, clinical and forensic laboratories, academia, patent law and more. For students interested in postgraduate study or careers in a chemical field, our American Chemical Society-certified tracks offer a rigorous and nationally recognized foundation. For those considering careers in professional fields such as medicine, dentistry, law and business, we also offer a more flexible bachelor’s degree track that incorporates a wider selection of elective courses.
All of our undergraduate degree options provide a well-rounded base in chemical theory through hands-on laboratory experience in small sections.
Prospective and current students who have questions about the chemistry major are encouraged to email our Director of Undergraduate Studies. Our DUS is here for you to help you and be your advocate and ally. Please reach out to her at [email protected].
All incoming students who intend to pursue certain academic fields including chemical sciences must complete the ALEKS Chemistry Preparatory Course. The ALEKS course occurs over the summer before undergraduate students begin at GW.
In addition to meeting the general requirements stated under university regulations, a candidate for graduation with special honors in chemistry must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA in chemistry courses and take CHEM 4195 or CHEM 4195W for at least three credits over two semesters. Along with the final report required for the research course, honors-track students also complete a poster or oral presentation.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
The GW Chemistry Department provides a unique interdisciplinary research experience for undergraduates that combines environmental and green chemistry with science policy. Students conduct research projects with a focus on solving fundamental problems related to either green and environmental chemistry or sustainability, targeting applications in renewable energy, water desalination, renewable feedstocks and healthcare.
REU Program Details:
10-week program
$6,000 stipend
Travel and accommodation provided
Academic, professional development and social programming included
Chemistry Professor Ling Hao discusses chemistry, bioinformatics, and cell biology's role in human neurodegenerative disease research with CCAS Dean Paul Wahlbeck.
Christopher L. Cahill was awarded the 2023 Hillebrand Prize in recognition of his contributions to the science of chemistry.
“Being a part of the Chemistry Department was one of the biggest highlights of undergrad. The entire department, including the administration and faculty, are so welcoming and friendly. I really enjoyed going to lab every day!”