So you’re a Chemist. Now What? by Dr. Michael Hubbard

Fri, 5 April, 2019 2:00pm


PhD Scientist, Keller and Heckman, LLC


Dr. Hubbard will talk about his career path, lessons learned along the way and some of the many ways one can be a chemist at and away from the laboratory bench.




Dr. Hubbard is a Staff Scientist at Keller and Heckman, LLC where he provides technical guidance to clients seeking counsel on state, federal, and international regulatory compliance laws for food packaging materials and other food-contact articles.  Prior to joining Keller and Heckman, Dr. Hubbard worked in the chemical industry for 27 years in a variety of roles of increasing scope and responsibility.  These included basic science, new product development, project management, market development, manufacturing improvement and quality control. 

Dr. Hubbard earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry at Northwestern University, M.B.A. with concentrations in Finance and Strategy at University of Rochester and a B.S. in Chemistry at Michigan State University.  His hobbies outside of work are cooking, hiking and music.  . 

Contact Dr. Hubbard at [email protected]

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