Stephen Boyes

Stephen Boyes
Professor of Chemistry and Director in the Division of Chemistry at the National Science Foundation
Polymer Synthesis, Organic chemistry, Polymer Brushes, Nanomedicines, Tissue Engineering. Conducts research in to a variety of polymer-based research projects, primarily in the area of surface modifications and biomedical applications.
2151-2152 Organic Chemistry (3 credits each)
Systematic treatment of the structure, preparation, properties, and reactions of the principal classes of organic compounds. Fundamental principles of stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and spectroscopic methods of analysis. Prerequisite to Chem 2151: Chem 1112. Prerequisite to Chem 2152: Chem 2151. (Academic year)
2153-2154 Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1 credit each)
Laboratory complement of Chem 2151–52. Introduction to and practice in basic skills of synthesis, separation, purification, and identification of organic compounds. Prerequisite or concurrent registration: Chem 2 151–52. Prerequisite to Chem 2154: Chem 2153. Laboratory fee, $60 per semester. (Academic year)
PrChain-growth polycondensation via the substituent effect: Investigation of the monomer structure on synthesis of poly(N-octyl-benzamide) in press J. Poly. Sci., Part A: Poly. Chem. February 2019
Smith, P.P., Rightler, A., McConnell, B.K., Zhang, F., Streubel, S.O., Lu, S.-L., Price, D., Boyes, S.G. Novel biodegradable,
biocompatible and biofunctional block copolymers ehn, F.C., Reese, C., Boyes, S.G. prepared via combined ring opening polymerization and RAFT in press J. Poly. Sci., Part A: Poly. Chem. February 2019
Zhu, L., Yang, Y., Farquhar, K., Wang, J., Tian, C., Ranville, J., Boyes, S.G. Surface modification of Gd nanoparticles with pH- responsive block copolymers for use as smart MRI contrast agents ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2016, 8, 5040 - 5050.
Tian, C., Zhu, L., Lin, F., Boyes, S.G. Poly(acrylic acid) Bridged Gadolinium Metal-Organic Framework-Gold Nanoparticle
Composites as Contrast Agents for Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Bimodal Imaging ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.
BS, University of New South Wales, 1994
PhD, University of New South Wales, 2000
Stephen Boyes (Chemistry) was awarded an NSF grant for an intergovernmental personnel act (IPA) assignment. Prof. Boyes will be serving as a rotating program director at the National Science Foundation in the Division of Chemistry for the Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemisty program. The IPA grant from the NSF supports Prof. Boyes while he is at the NSF.
Prof. Boyes has started as a rotating program director in the Division of Chemistry at the National Science Foundation. Specifically, he will be working in the Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry program and will be at the NSF for the next 2 years.